A year of innovation and collaboration: the NODDO Network boosts the technological future of Castilla y León

The Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León transforms the region into an epicenter of innovation and technological development.

A technological revolution is brewing in Castilla y León. NODDO, the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, has emerged as a gateway to development and innovation since its official presentation in Palencia last June. This private non-profit entity, driven by the technology centers of Castilla y León and supported by the Junta de Castilla y León through the ICE, Institute for Business Competitiveness. NODDO symbolizes an unwavering commitment to competitiveness and technological progress in the region and beyond.

A year of innovation and collaboration: the NODDO Network drives the technological future of Castilla y León.

The dawn of an era: the presentation of NODDO

The official presentation of NODDO at the emblematic Teatro Principal in Palencia marked a milestone in the technological history of Castilla y León. With more than 120 attendees, this event was a platform for leaders and visionaries to share their perspectives on the future of innovation.

José María Vela, President of NODDO, highlighted the vital role of the network in representing the region in national and international forums. Eduardo Andrés, Director of NODDO, underlined the Network’s potential to boost competitiveness and business productivity in a context of global challenges. The discussion focused on how NODDO, which brings together nine technology centers in Castilla y León, is bringing about significant change in industry and society.

The presentation of NODDO was not only an event, but a turning point for the region’s technology community. This event symbolized a collective commitment to innovation and sustainable development, establishing a collaborative framework that transcends traditional boundaries, and emphasizing the importance of working together towards common goals.

NODDO: a mosaic of innovation and excellence

This Network, which brings together the most cutting-edge technology centers in the region, has proven to be more than the sum of its parts, becoming a catalyst for change and innovation. By bringing together a diversity of specializations and competencies, NODDO has charted a path towards a future where technology and sustainability converge, opening new avenues for research and business development through the region’s Technology Centers.

NODDO stands as a mosaic of innovation, combining the strengths of nine technology centers: AIR Institute, CARTIF, Cesefor, CETECE, CIDAUT, CTME, ICAMCyL, Itagra and ITCL. These centers cover a wide range of disciplines, from environmental sustainability to cybersecurity and smart manufacturing.

With more than 700 research and technology staff, including 65% graduates and PhDs, more than 600 R&D&I projects, and revenues of 50 million euros in 2022, it demonstrates the Network’s robust capacity profile to drive regional and national innovation.

Weaving innovation networks: the power of collaboration

Collaboration is the lifeblood of NODDO. The network has fostered unique synergies between technology centers and other players in the innovation ecosystem, creating an environment where ideas become tangible solutions. These collaborations allow complex challenges to be addressed and joint strategies to be developed, strengthening Castilla y León’s position as a leader in technological innovation.

NODDO is not just a network of technology centers; it is a movement towards a more innovative and sustainable future.

Its first year has seen amazing achievements, and the road ahead promises even more. With an unwavering focus on collaboration, research and development, NODDO is poised to meet the challenges of tomorrow, leading Castilla y León towards a horizon of limitless possibilities in innovation and technology.

From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact Noddo.

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