Advanced materials with the most innovative technologies

We combine experience in raw materials with cutting-edge technological innovation in different types of materials to transform, protect and improve, adding new functionalities and properties.

Since the beginning of history, human beings have used and developed different tools to meet specific needs. The improvements brought about by the application of advanced materials were key in the course of historical events, creating solutions and improvements in processes.

Since then, society has not stopped evolving, and with it its needs, forcing a constant evolution of materials. Innovating in materials allows us to meet these new needs by including improvements in existing products and processes or by developing completely new materials.

NODDO, the Castilla y León Technological Centers Network, applies the most advanced techniques for the exhaustive knowledge of materials, thus designing and selecting the most suitable materials according to the required technical requirements.

The importance of materials as a driver of innovation

Advanced materials are systems composed of different materials that vary in their nature, characteristics, shape and dimensions; they are based on the way they are combined and on the synergy achieved between their components for their transformation into products with specific properties.

These materials can exhibit unique properties not seen in other materials. This is an area of important technological interest for the design and manufacture of innovative products for different sectors.

For all these reasons, at the Castilla y León Network of Technology Centers we help to analyze and develop new advanced materials with unique properties and feasibility of application in sectors such as health, habitat, energy, food, electronics, mobility, aeronautics, environment or defense, among others.

The application of new materials, design improvements or process improvements are factors that are often linked. They are cross-cutting elements in a wide range of sectors; therefore, the development and progress achieved in them are key to the progress of these sectors, to ensure the competitiveness, sustainability and growth of the business fabric.

There is a need to overcome new technological challenges associated with the current economic, social and environmental objectives that are emerging in different sectors. Advanced materials are a key element in these manufacturing and transformation processes and a fundamental part of the innovations that are helping to meet some of the main challenges of today’s society. From the weight of the material to reduce fuel consumption, to the elimination of waste from the manufacturing process or the development and optimization of technologies, among other technological challenges and R&D&I needs covered.

Innovation in new advanced materials allows us to develop more cost-effective and environmentally friendly processes and products.

Towards a competitive and sustainable economy

Advanced materials are necessary for the development of more sustainable and efficient products and processes, as well as for the substitution of resources with availability problems. These materials are part of the solution to the technological and social challenges posed by improved performance in their use, reduced resource and energy requirements in their production, and sustainability throughout the life cycle of products created with advanced materials.

The development of products with new applications involves the design of novel materials with the capacity to offer adequate performance during their useful life. These materials are key elements of high added value. They are also the basis for progress in cross-cutting technology areas, such as life sciences and health, healthcare, energy or aeronautics, and in virtually all market sectors. Materials represent a key step in increasing the value of products and their performance.

Thanks to our experience in the different sectors of application, we are able to integrate the most advanced technology to make modifications in its composition achieving an improvement in its functionality, even providing it with a new one.


From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact us at Noddo.

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