Application in the mycological sector as a food safety control system.

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The Cesefor technology center develops MicoQR, an application for companies to manage wild mushroom purchases in work teams, promoting market transparency.

The main objective of this application is to provide companies in the mycological sector with a tool to manage the traceability of the purchase of fresh mushrooms and truffles from the collector or producer.
To identify one more agent in the traceability of the product, including the wild mushroom picker and the area where they have been collected, favoring food safety control systems.

Project background

The commercial activity of wild mushrooms is being subject to an increasingly strict regulation where greater control and professionalization of the agents involved is sought; the Community regulations through Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of January 28, 2002, establishing the general principles and requirements of food law, defines primary production expressly including in it the collection of wild products, such as edible wild mushrooms and Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 29, 2004, on the hygiene of foodstuffs, in which it separates the conditions relating to primary production and related phases relating to other phases of the production of wild products, such as edible wild mushrooms, and Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 29, 2004, on the hygiene of foodstuffs.No. 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs, in which it separates the conditions relating to primary production and related stages from those relating to other subsequent stages.

This Community regulatory framework is developed in Spain through Royal Decree 640/2006, of May 26, which regulates certain conditions for the application of Community provisions on hygiene, production and marketing of foodstuffs and Royal Decree 30/2009, of January 16, which establishes the health conditions for the marketing of mushrooms for food use.

On the other hand, it is significant the case of Castilla y León, where the impulse and development of the mycological activity has been spectacular, which has led to the need for the development of a new framework for the regulation of the Wild Mycological Resource in Castilla y León, which also requires the identification of the seller in commercial transactions.

In this context, IT solutions that help the mycological market in the field are as necessary as they are already mature in other non-forest food sectors.

The mushroom trading market is in a situation of growth in product transparency and technification of the agents involved in the process.
This type of solution is a tool that helps companies in their management, but also fundamental to regulate the sector and its commercialization.

Problem/s it solves

MicoQR is a business management tool that represents a huge change in the control of the product and the information that manages the value chain of this activity.

It is an application at the service of companies that offers an effective solution to this growing need and helps in the daily management of the transactions of these non-timber products, since it allows the identification of the origin of the purchase in transport and ensures traceability in the marketing of the product.

Application challenge

MicoQR is a multiplatform application for the management of the purchase and sale of fresh mushrooms and truffles.
It consists of a client/server architecture in which different mushroom buyers collect the information of the transactions in real time on site, through Android devices, and a manager from a web application can access and exploit the information collected on a server.

This allows a company to control its transactions in the field.
The devices do not require a continuous Internet connection to work, and with the help of a wireless printer they can print batch tickets for the mushroom boxes, thus collecting transaction data for product traceability.
In addition, the printer can provide the picker with an alabaran of the transaction.

Final result of the Cesefor’s success story

MicoQR makes it possible to manage purchases, print receipts and delivery notes on portable printers in the field, provide the mushroom buyer with a summary of the day, and the wholesaler in the office with real-time transactions of all his buyers, based on a homogeneous purchase data model that includes product quality, species, photos and location.

Cesefor is committed to helping with the digital transformation of a non-majority sector, but with great socioeconomic importance in rural areas.

One of the main customers, and promoter of the initial idea of the development with Cesefor, Jordi Serentill, CEO of Laumont SL, comments that “We are very happy to be using this application.
It has changed our daily management, and we manage thousands of daily purchases during the mycological campaign.
At the beginning we had doubts about the difficulties of implementation, but it only took two days for the users of the mobile application to consider its use essential.
For us, in the office, it helps us a lot to have real-time information on purchases.
It is essential for the sector to use tools of this type, which help to guarantee product traceability.

Organizations such as SEPRONA, when they carry out inspections of mushroom transport to verify their origin, have congratulated us for using such a system”.

MicoQR is a commercial application that is being used by Spain’s main wild mushroom and truffle trading and processing companies.

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