Collaboration, protagonist at the Transfiere round table debate

NODDO attended Transfiere, European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation. An opportunity to share innovation and R+D+i, to generate collaborations, networking and contribute to generate opportunities for our technology centers.

NODDO | Red de Centros Tecnológicos attended Transfiere, an event that brought together more than 500 companies, organizations and institutions. It took place from February 15 to 17 in Malaga, and was attended by more than 420 national and international experts around more than 80 panels that addressed topics such as the development of green hydrogen, strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation (PERTE) or the creation of technology-based companies.

The collaboration between companies, technology centers, clusters and the administration to develop innovation projects was the most cited topic in the conference held on “Innovation Ecosystem and Technology Transfer in Castilla y León”. It took place last Friday, February 17 in the Innovation Room of Transfiere, European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation.

From NODDO, we actively attended the conference, where Eduardo Andrés Martínez, Managing Director of NODDO, moderated a panel discussion, where the key point was the creation of an ecosystem of trust to create a collaborative network, and where an agile and collaborative R+D+i that responds to present and future needs is articulated.

We were honored to have the participation of Augusto Cobos Pérez, General Director of ICE, Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León, Roberto de Miguel García, R&D&I Director of Galletas Florbú, Cristina Ramírez de Lara, General Director of VITARTIS – Food Industry Association of Castilla y León and EVA DE LA GALA, Deputy Director of CETECE technology center.

Innovation and Technology Transfer Ecosystem

In order to explain the key points that were addressed at the round table “Innovation Ecosystem and Technology Transfer in Castilla y León”, we must understand what an innovation ecosystem is and what we mean by technology transfer.

We believe that an innovation ecosystem is a place where the development of a project is promoted, where the aim is to generate a habitat where the efforts and competencies of different organizations join forces. The round table showed that without collaboration it is not possible to transform knowledge into innovation. It is important to address the importance of having a collaborative culture in which, through R&D&I, we can become more competitive, responsible and sustainable, and capable of addressing the challenges of the future.

As far as technology transfer is concerned, this is explained as an invaluable opportunity for innovation, since it means the transmission of scientific and technological knowledge generated in universities and research centers to the social and productive fabric. It became clear that we must bet on a local, prestigious and high quality value. Therefore, taking advantage of all the scientific talent should be an obligation for all those who are part of the innovation ecosystem.

In this aspect, the great potential of promoting collaboration to ensure that all the technologies generated in the technology centers reach the market was highlighted, where the administration has an important role to play and a challenge ahead to establish and promote the R&D&I strategy that strengthens companies, clusters and technology centers.

With all this, we can highlight that in the “Innovation and Technology Transfer Ecosystem in Castilla y León” round table at Transfiere, the key points addressed were the importance of creating an ecosystem of trust and dialogue to create a collaborative network, since collaboration is an enabler to generate innovation ecosystems, where dialogues occur across different sectors and disciplines.

In short, attending the European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, Transfiere, has been an opportunity to share innovation and R+D+i, to generate collaborations, networking and contribute to generate opportunities for our technology centers: CARTIF, CIDAUT, CTME, ITCL, CETECE, CESEFOR, AIR INSTITUTE, ICAMCYL and ITAGRA.


From the Network of Technology Centers we work in an interdisciplinary and integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact Noddo.

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