Conference on technological applications in renewable energies and energy efficiency. Knowledge transfer.

On September 12, the Conference on technological applications in renewable energies and energy efficiency will be held. It will take place at the Fundación Ávila, and will present technological applications in renewable energy generation (EV, PV, etc.), alternative transport vectors (hydrogen, biomass) and efficient management of networks, consumption and smart cities. There will also be the case of a reference company and the interactive exhibition of real application demonstrators by NODDO, the Network of Technology Centers of Catilla y León.

The event is aimed at technical and/or sustainability and/or business strategy managers in the energy and related sectors, as well as energy-intensive industries.

The event will have technology demonstrators in “Showroom” format where attendees, arranged in small groups, will be able to visit each demonstrator on a rotating basis to facilitate and encourage interaction.

The demonstrators will be on CARTIF’ s Tools to facilitate and plan the energy transition, where Estefanía Vallejo will talk about support tools in energy planning for an efficient energy transition, such as the PED Tool for the design of positive energy districts, RENERMap for the evaluation of renewable energy generation potential, REWARDHEAT for the design of heat networks, or GIS4ENER for the evaluation of demand, energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the building sector.

For his part, Manuel García Barbero from CESEFOR will show us wood construction and CO2 sequestration. An energy efficient society achieves the same productivity, comfort and quality of life as an inefficient one, without the difficulties, costs and risks involved in the generation, transmission and generation of excessive energy to maintain our way of life. An energy efficient construction reduces the problem of consumption, if it is based on renewable biomaterials such as wood, we can also sequester atmospheric carbon.

The third demonstrator will be for Solutions based on artificial intelligence and digital twin for energy control in energy intensive industries, where Álvaro García García, from CIDAUT will present a case of real application of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twin in Industry 4.0, together with the objectives pursued and the methodology applied. The improvement of energy efficiency in industrial processes through predictive models, virtualization of assets and assistance to workers with an adaptive knowledge of operations through the use of human-machine interfaces and semi-supervised learning algorithms will be shown. All of these are important aspects when addressing the new maintenance and energy consumption optimization needs of the manufacturing systems of the Castilla y León industry, in order to make it more efficient, resilient and sustainable.

In the ITCL demonstrator, Diego Martínez will show us the IoT node development with blockchain network integration and management system for the renewable energy sector. He will present the development done together with 1A Ingenieros to have a flexible and customized solution for monitoring and recording the main variables to be collected in a photovoltaic installation. With the new hardware developed, it is feasible to integrate wireless or wired sensors on the same node (collecting variables not only from the inverter but also from any other additional sensor installed), deploy a LoRa network for data communication (integrating installations in different locations), have a platform for the management and monitoring of the information collected and incorporate the relevant data to a blockchain platform to ensure its inviolability and immutability. In this way, a new IoT hardware is offered for any photovoltaic installation, which allows customizing the variables of interest and their recording frequency, preparing the information collected for its subsequent exploitation through advanced analytical techniques, which facilitate decision making for the optimization of the installation.

Finally, the Development of software for the calculation of renewable energy production, by the TIDOP Group, USAL, will be presented.

During the day, cases of reference companies such as Proyecta PV or FUNDEEN, on technology at the service of photovoltaics and innovation in joint financing platform for renewable energy projects, respectively, will also be presented. Finally, B2B meetings will be held to identify possibilities for knowledge transfer between participating technology centers and universities and the attending companies.

You can register for free at this registration link

See below the program of the day.

The Diputación de Ávila, the City Council of Ávila, Grupo Tipod, Cartif, Cesefor, Cidaut and ITCL are participating in the event.

In collaboration with EEI27 Centratec and NODDO.

Organized by ICE, Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial and the Junta de Castilla y León.

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