Ha-Mi Twins: digital twins for energy optimization in Castile and Leon

Powerful technology collaborations such as the Ha-Mi Twins project of CETECE and ICAMCyL optimize energy consumption and improve occupational health in industries in Castilla y León.

Collaborations between technology centers and the energy sector have proven to be a successful formula for driving innovation projects. An outstanding example is the Ha-Mi Twins project, a joint initiative between CETECE and ICAMCyL that uses digital twins to optimize energy consumption and improve occupational health in key industries in Castilla y León.

An innovative collaboration model

The Ha-Mi Twins project is a clear example of how collaboration between technology centers can generate significant advances in the energy sector. The union of CETECE and ICAMCyL allows taking advantage of the strengths and capabilities of each center to address complex challenges and develop pioneering solutions.

Success based on technological synergy

The success of the Ha-Mi Twins project lies in the synergy created between the two technology centers. CETECE brings its expertise in research and process innovation, while ICAMCyL focuses on the application of digital twins and technology simulation. This combination allows for more efficient management of energy resources and improved decision making.

Pioneering technologies and value contribution

The use of digital twins in the Ha-Mi Twins project makes it possible to simulate and analyze the performance of industrial processes in real time, identifying areas for improvement and optimization. This technology facilitates process traceability, reduces maintenance and investment costs, and promotes efficient integration of new industrial elements. In addition, research is oriented towards the circular economy and sustainability, integrating responsible methods for the use of raw materials and the development of advanced materials.

The Ha-Mi Twins project is a success story that demonstrates the power of collaboration between technology centers to drive innovation in the energy sector.

Thanks to the combined capabilities of CETECE and ICAMCyL, this project is improving the competitiveness of companies in Castilla y León, optimizing energy consumption and promoting sustainability and occupational health.

Powerful collaborations like this one are essential to meet the challenges of the future and continue moving towards a more efficient and sustainable industry.

The project has been approved by the Business Institute of Castilla y León(ICECYL), through the line of subsidies for R&D projects in effective collaboration between Technology Centers and companies in Castilla y León, co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which seeks to promote technological development, innovation and quality research.

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