Meet the Network of Technology Centers leader in Technological Development and innovation in Castilla y León.

We present the NODDO Network of Technology Centers that allows us to meet the challenges of our customers through innovation, technological service and customized training.

The nine technology centers networked to create NODDO, with more than 600 people dedicated to technological development and innovation, lead the development and transfer of technology in Castilla y León.

Thanks to the support of the Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial, the Network is able to promote technological development projects in different technical disciplines, always focused on applied innovation as a source of business competitiveness.

CARTIF, CIDAUT, CTME, ITCL, CETECE, CESEFOR, AIR INSTITUTE, ICAMCYL and ITAGRA are the nine technology centers that make up the Network. They combine their experience, infrastructure, equipment and human resources to offer solutions linked to the most important sectors of activity for the competitive development of companies:

  • Aeronautics and space
  • Agriculture and food
  • Construction
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Life sciences and health
  • Mobility
  • Manufacturing and capital goods
  • Telecommunications, information and communication
  • Assistance activities
  • Consumer goods/products
  • Cultural and creative industries
  • Defense and security
  • Mines and quarries
  • Tourism

Being in continuous evolution allows us to improve the competitiveness of companies and thus be able to face all their new technological challenges, in addition to contributing to the transfer of knowledge to society and positioning Castilla y León as a regional, national and European reference in R&D&I.

Connecting all these capabilities in a coordinated and collaborative way, NODDO is born as the main driving and integrating agent of R+D+i in Castilla y León, with four pillars that lead the way:

  • Collaboration, being a point of departure and cooperation.
  • Proximity, wanting to be close to our customers.
  • Commitment to social, economic and environmental value.
  • Adaptability, evolving with the demands of each challenge.


If you want to know us in depth and discover the projects we are developing we invite you to follow us on our social networks, LinkedIn and Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter.

Noticias relacionadas

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