NODDO at meetechSpain 2024: connecting technology and collaboration for an innovative future

NODDO joins meetechSpain 2024, the most innovative event of the Spanish technology ecosystem. With our own stand and a keynote speech, we will show how networked collaboration boosts R&D&I in key sectors.

NODDO joins meetechSpain 2024, the most innovative event of the Spanish technology ecosystem.
With our own stand and a keynote speech, we will show how networked collaboration boosts R&D&I in key sectors.

MeetechSpain 2024 is positioned as a disruptive and benchmark event in the Spanish innovative ecosystem. The event organized by Fedit, Spanish Federation of Technology Centers, becomes a unique space for meeting, connection and cooperation between Technology Centers, research organizations and companies, united by their main common element: technology.

In this context, NODDO, the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, announced its participation in meetechSpain with its own stand and several outstanding activities.

What is meetechSpain?

MeetechSpain is an event that revolutionizes the innovation landscape in Spain. Held at the modern MEEU, a multi-space in the financial heart of Madrid, attendees will have the opportunity to connect with innovation leaders, experience advanced technology, form strategic alliances and be inspired by new ideas and projects.

The event will feature a technology showroom, a Challenge to solve real challenges, Speed Dating sessions with companies and technology centers, as well as a Speaker’s Corner and inspiring round tables.

From NODDO and together with the Technological Centers of Castilla y León: AIR Institute, CARTIF, CETECE, CIDAUT, CTME , Cesefor, Itagra, ICAMCyL and ITCL ), we will attend this key event for technological innovators.

This important event will take place in Madrid on June 13 and 14, and is presented as a connecting platform for researchers and technologists, facilitating cooperation and fostering competitiveness in cutting-edge areas such as smart and sustainable mobility.

Our participation in meetechSpain

NODDO will actively participate in meetechSpain with its own stand, together with the Technology Centers of Castilla y León, where the capabilities and outstanding projects of the Technology Centers will be shown.

In addition, we will have a significant presence in the Speakers’ Corner at 17:40 PM, where Eduardo Andrés Martínez, managing director of NODDO, will present the paper entitled “NODDO: Working in Network to position technology centers in the deployment of R&D&I Strategies”.

In his presentation, the director of NODDO, Eduardo Andrés Martínez will talk about the history of NODDO, highlighting the most important milestones over time, as well as how the Network and the Centers are being counted on for the deployment of the RIS3 in Castilla y León, enhancing, as a connecting agent, the flagship initiatives and networking. Also addressing how the Technology Centers act as essential drivers of innovation, especially in key sectors such as Aerospace, Bioeconomy, Cybersecurity, Health and Habitat.

Moderation of infrastructures, technologies and networks for sustainable mobility: innovation projects and challenges

NODDO’s president, José María Vela, will have the honor of moderating the first day’s round table entitled “Infrastructures, technologies and networks for sustainable mobility: Projects and innovation challenges”. This table will focus on topics such as logistics and fleet management, intelligent transport of people and materials, infrastructures for mobility, new materials for smart mobility, shared mobility platforms, energy transition towards sustainable mobility, or improvements in accessibility and mobility of existing solutions.

The roundtable will be attended by leading representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Pons Mobility, AEDIVE (Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility), and CTAG (Cervera INTEGRA Network). These experts will discuss the latest innovations and challenges in the field of sustainable mobility.

A space for connection and networking

With an unbeatable location, the event offers a space for the exhibition of innovations and for networking, facilitating the connection between professionals from different sectors.

The participation of NODDO and the Technology Centers of Castilla y León in meetechSpain 2024 reflects our commitment to innovation and technological development, and also underlines the importance of networking to enhance the capabilities of the Technology Centers.

We invite everyone to visit us at our stand and to participate in the programmed activities, so that together we can promote the future of technology and innovation in Spain. meetechSpain 2024 Program

See you at meetechSpain 2024!

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