NODDO at the Telecommunications and Digitalization Roundtable of Castilla y León

The Telecommunications and Digitalization Roundtable of Castilla y León, with the crucial participation of NODDO, promises to revolutionize accessibility and technological equity in the region, improving the quality of life through innovation.

In an event of great importance for the technological and digital community of Castilla y León, the Telecommunications and Digitalization Board has been constituted.

In an event of utmost importance for the technological and digital community of Castilla y León, the Telecommunications and Digitalization Board has been constituted.
This new body promises to transform accessibility and technological integration in the region, with a strong focus on improving quality of life and fostering equity through innovation.
NODDO, as an integral part of this initiative, will play a crucial role in the development and implementation of key strategies for digitization.

This new body promises to transform accessibility and technological integration in the region, with a strong focus on improving quality of life and fostering equity through innovation. NODDO, as an integral part of this initiative, will play a crucial role in developing and implementing key strategies for digitization.

The President of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, inaugurated the Mesa de Telecomunicaciones y Digitalización, a platform designed to address the immediate and future technological needs of the region. It is the result of a public-private collaboration and stands as an essential forum for study, information and cooperation in the telecommunications and digitalization sector.

NODDO’s role in the Telecommunications and Digitization Roundtable

As a network of technology centers, NODDO, together with the Technology Centers of Castilla y León, brings its experience and resources to ensure that the benefits of digitization reach every corner of Castilla y León. NODDO’s participation is focused on boosting telecommunications and connectivity infrastructures, facilitating the development of digital skills, and promoting the digitization of rural areas and public services.

Objectives and key actions

The main objective of the Roundtable is to take advantage of new technologies to eliminate geographic barriers and advance equal opportunities. It is intended to:

  • Improve connectivity in less accessible areas, promoting territorial equality.
  • Promote the integration of advanced technologies in public and private management.
  • To offer advice and support in the implementation of fixed and mobile broadband in localities with deficient coverage.

Expected impact and future commitments

This body is also committed to promoting the integral digitalization of the public administration and the business fabric, supporting innovation and sustainability. In addition, it is expected that the Bureau, with the active collaboration of entities such as NODDO, will contribute significantly to the social and territorial cohesion of Castilla y León, providing a reference framework for future policies and strategies in the telecommunications sector.

The creation of the Telecommunications and Digitalization Roundtable marks an important milestone in Castilla y León’s commitment to modernization and technological inclusion. With NODDO and together with the Technology Centers of Castilla y León at the forefront of numerous key initiatives, we are poised to lead the digital transformation and ensure a prosperous and equitable future for our community.

Composition of the Bureau

This event underlines the role of Castilla y León as a leader in technological adaptation and development, and with the collaboration of committed entities such as NODDO and the Spanish Association for Digitalization; the Regional Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of the Community; the Federation of Associations of Information Technology, Communications and Electronics Companies of Castilla y León, Aetical; the Federation of Telecommunications Installers, Feitel; the Professional Association of Computer Engineers; the Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Castilla y León; the network of Technology Centers, Noddo and representatives of the main telecommunications operators in the Community, such as Telefónica, Vodafone, Orange, Adamo, Iberia, Asteo Red Neutra, Avatel Telecom and Lyntia Networks.

All these representatives will act as members of the Board, while the presidency and vice-presidency will be held by the Councilor for Mobility and Digital Transformation, María González Corral, and the Deputy Councilor for Digital Transformation, Jorge Llorente.

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