NODDO joins the Telecommunications Roundtable to promote digitalization in Castilla y León

The Telecommunications and Digitalization Roundtable begins its work with the participation of NODDO, with the priority objective of extending the benefits of digitalization to all the municipalities of the community.

Telecommunications Round Table to promote digitalization in Castilla y León

The main objective of the Telecommunications and Digitalization Board, led by the Junta de Castilla y León, is to extend the benefits of digitalization to all the municipalities of the Community, promoting the technological development of companies, administrations and citizens.

First meeting of the Telecommunications and Digitization Roundtable

The Junta de Castilla y León holds the first meeting of the Telecommunications and Digitalization Board, a body committed by President Mañueco in the last debate on the state of the Community. This body seeks to ensure that the benefits of digitization reach all municipalities in the region, promoting technological development throughout the Community, as explained by the Minister of Mobility and Digital Transformation, María González Corral.

Chaired by Minister González Corral, the meeting served to establish the creation of specific working groups. These groups will focus on key areas such as infrastructure and connectivity, talent and training, and innovation and technological development, to ensure effective social and territorial cohesion in Castilla y León.

NODDO, together with the members of the Bureau, will play a key role in the digital transformation of Spain’s largest Autonomous Community, working on initiatives that promote the application of advanced technologies and the improvement of connectivity and digital training.

Entities that make up the Board

The Telecommunications and Digitalization Board of Castilla y León, whose constitution agreement was signed on April 12 in the presence of the President of the Junta, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, is made up of the Spanish Association for Digitalization (Asociación Española para la Digitalización (DigitalES); the Regional Federation of Municipalities and Provinces of the Community (FRMPCyL); the Federación de Asociaciones de Empresas de Tecnologías de la Información, Comunicaciones y Electrónica de Castilla y León (Federation of Associations of Information Technology, Communications and Electronics Companies of Castilla y León), (Aetical); the Federation of Telecommunications Installers, (Feitel); the Professional Association of Computer Engineers; the Association of Telecommunication Engineers of Castilla y León; the network of Technology Centers, (Noddo)The Board is made up of representatives of the main telecommunications operators in the Community, such as Telefónica, Vodafone, Orange, Adamo, Iberia, Asteo Red Neutra, Avatel Telecom and Lyntia Networks, to which must be added the two representatives of the university sector (USAL and UCAV), who will exercise their functions on an annual and rotating basis. All of them will act as members, while the presidency and vice-presidency will be held by the Councilor for Mobility and Digital Transformation, María González Corral, and the Deputy Councilor for Digital Transformation, Jorge Llorente.

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