Noddo, Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León visits ADItech

During the visit to ADItech we were able to share knowledge about innovation and ways of joint cooperation, exposing what NODDO, Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, represents in Castilla y León.

Last June Eduardo Andrés, CEO of Noddo visited ADItech. Diego Garrido, its general director showed how ADItech coordinates the SINAI (Navarre R&D&I System), a pioneer model in the state in joining public and private entities, the different types of agents that exist and the law by which it is governed: Foral Law 15/2018, of June 27, on Science and Technology. In turn, he also showed him the main tool for the planning and coordination of R&D&I policies of the Foral Community, the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan of Navarra (PCTIN) / Zientzia, Teknologia eta Berrikuntzako Plana 2021-2025, which was the first to be drawn up under the Foral Law, and is aligned with the different regional, national and international plans, such as Agenda 2030, the Plan Reactivar Navarra / Nafarroa Suspertu 2020-2023 and the Smart Specialization Strategy (S4).

Regarding ADItech’s coordinating role, Garrido focused on the main axes it works on, which are cooperation and collaboration between the different agents, participation and alignment with European proposals, excellence in science and scientific culture, to connect SINAI and society.

NODDO attended as the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, a non-profit organization that brings together the 9 private Technology Centers of the community: AIR Institute, CARTIF, CESEFOR, CETECE, CIDAUT, CTME, ICAMCyL, ITAGRA and ITCL, whose objective is to boost the competitiveness and productivity of companies through innovation, in an environment of increasingly complex and constantly evolving challenges.

After the incorporation of NODDO to FEDIT (Federation of Private Technology Centers of Spain), a round of contacts with the main coordinating entities begins, among them ADItech. who is also associated to FEDIT and is part of the Governing Board, representing 4 technological centers of SINAI: AIN, NAITEC, LUREDERRA and CNTA.

During the visit to ADItech we were able to share knowledge, ways of cooperation, and we had the pleasure to expose what NODDO represents in Castilla y León, to the 9 associated technology centers in 2021, where more than 700 professionals dedicated to innovation boost the competitiveness and productivity of companies.

From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact us at Noddo.

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