Strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem through Technology Centers.

NODDO, an environment where knowledge is united, talent is made visible and a space for collaboration is built, thanks to the Technology Centers of Castilla y León.

NODDO is the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, an environment where knowledge is united, talent is made visible and where a space for collaboration is built, connecting these centers with the business network interested in R&D&I, and in corporate competitiveness itself.

NODDO knowledge and collaboration in technological innovation.

NODDO’s objective is to strengthen the business ecosystem of Castilla y León through nine Technology Centers, strengthening innovation and technology transfer as levers of competitiveness. Promoting the digitalization and decarbonization of a wide range of companies, from SMEs and large companies to microenterprises and entrepreneurs.

To this end, it develops skills, tools and innovation projects, ranging from the countryside (agri-food and forestry) to industry (automotive, aerospace, etc.), including a wide range of services, where R&D&I, technology, technical capabilities and expert knowledge generate new business opportunities, always through the nine Technology Centers that make visible and position talent at the service of companies in Castilla y León, for their national and international competitiveness.

This strategy will develop the technological transfer of the business fabric; it will favor territorial balance, and will promote specialization and talent training niches.

Our commitment to sustainability is accentuated by projects developed within the framework of the circular economy, bringing us closer to the society of the future.

We also promote innovation and digitalization in processes, products and services through technological solutions that facilitate people’s work and quality of life in the new digital era.

Faced with the new challenges posed by society, with questions still unknown, NODDO is committed to training and constant collaboration between its Technology Centers and companies.

Collaborating and generating synergies, joining efforts, offering agile and adaptable services to each business need.

Its DNA is based on 4 basic pillars:

  • Collaboration, as a starting point and cooperation.
  • Adaptability, understood as permanent evolution.
  • Proximity, as an example of customer proximity.
  • Commitment to social, economic and environmental values.

We are living a future of strategic entrepreneurship and innovation in Castilla y León, moving towards a more digital and sustainable model that applies innovative solutions.

Because together, we are stronger.

NODDO, the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León.

From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to look for innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact with NODDO.

Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube, or sign up for our Newsletter to stay up to date with what’s new on the Web.

Noticias relacionadas

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Approval of Decree 19/2024: Creation and regulation of the Registry and Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León.

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