We attended the “summit” of Spanish applied research

An event with more than 500 researchers, technologists and industry representatives where the potential of Technology Centers as one of the main drivers of R&D&I was showcased.

From NODDO | Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León we attended, on May 18 and 19, the meeting meetechSpain, promoted by the Federation of Technology Centers of Spain (Fedit). The inauguration was given by  Teresa Riesgo, Secretary General for Innovation, who assured that the Technology Centers “are at the center of the national Science, Technology and Innovation system because they serve as a hinge for things to start happening, for their contribution as generators of knowledge, as a point of contact between academia and companies and for their role as catalysts for knowledge transfer and collaboration“.

More than 500 professionals, including a hundred researchers and technologists, participated in the first edition of meetechSpain, an event that aims to revolutionize the landscape of applied research in Spain.

The event covered innovative technologies at the service of industrial development. Blockchain technology demonstrators applied to different productive sectors, AI tools in areas such as healthcare or assistance in catastrophes with mass casualties, innovative solutions for intelligent and sustainable mobility or devices that improve the resilience of cities in the face of extreme weather events are just some of the dozens of developments that Spanish Technology Centers carry out in collaboration with more than 27,000 companies in the country each year and that are present at this event.

Among the technology centers in attendance were four of the nine centers of Castilla y León, CTME, ITCL, Cidaut and Cartif. The last two exhibited applications that demonstrate their key commitment to innovative technology, thus helping the industrial sector to improve its competitiveness through R+D+I.

Laura Olcina, president of Fedit and general director of ITI, Technology Center specialized in ICT (Valencian Community) said that meetechSpain is the epicenter of debate, cooperation and co-creation between Technology Centers, companies and the rest of the organizations that do science with purpose in our country.

For his part, Áureo Díaz-Carrasco, general director of Fedit, stressed that this event “lays the foundations for promoting the synergies and alliances needed to address the challenges of the future, while allowing us to highlight the role of Technology Centers as drivers of technological development and innovation in the Spanish economy“.

Capabilities showcase and technology discussion forum

MeetechSpain is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), the main sponsor of the event. It was supported by the consulting firm Ayming and the company Enagás.

During the two days, as the public, we toured a showroom technological, with more than 30 stands, a real route of industrial innovation by technological capabilities, success stories and R & D projects in which technology centers work. And we attended the five round tables in which leading experts such as Javier Ponce, general director of CDTI; Francisco Marín, vice president of the R&D Commission of the CEOE; Muriel Attané, director of the European Association of Technology Centers (EARTO), or Inmaculada Aguilar, general director of FECYT, analyzed the challenges and opportunities of the R&D&I ecosystem in the medium and long term and of the technology centers as a driver of competitiveness and economic growth.

In short, meetechSpain has been a space for networking among the main actors of the country’s economy that are committed to innovation and technology as an engine for growth and development. From NODDO, an initiative funded by the Junta de Castilla y León through ICE, Institute for Business Competitiveness, we hope it will be repeated many more years.

NODDO: The Network of Technological Centers of reference in Castilla y León

From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact us at Noddo.

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