What is a technology center and what is not a technology center?

A technology center is key to business innovation, but its role is often confused. Find out what a technology center is, what it does and, most importantly, what it is not.

A technology center is key to business innovation, but its role is often confused.

A technology center is a private, non-profit entity dedicated to applied research and technological development, with the mission of driving innovation and facilitating technology transfer to industry. These centers are key players in the R&D&I (Research, Development and Innovation) ecosystem, supporting companies to improve their competitiveness through advanced technological solutions.

  • Private non-profit organization: Technology centers do not seek profit, but rather to promote R&D&I for the benefit of industry.
  • Innovation and technology transfer: They are the bridge that takes technology from the laboratory to its application in the market, helping companies to innovate.
  • Specialized infrastructure: Equipped with advanced laboratories and technical resources, they are capable of conducting cutting-edge research.
  • Collaboration with industry: They work closely with companies to develop customized technology solutions.
  • R&D&I projects: They actively participate in projects financed by both public and private entities, both nationally and internationally.
  • Training and education: They offer specialized programs to train professionals in key technology areas.
  • Promoting competitiveness: Helping companies to improve their products, services and processes through technology.
  • Interdisciplinarity: Integrate knowledge from various scientific disciplines to address complex challenges.
  • Support to startups and SMEs: They offer advice and technical support to startups and small and medium-sized enterprises. Intellectual property: They manage and protect the intellectual property derived from their research.

It is crucial to understand that, although technology centers collaborate with various entities, their role is distinct from that of many other organizations. Let’s find out what a technology center is not:

  • Not a commercial company: They do not sell commercial products or services, but support companies that do.
  • Not a university: Although they collaborate with universities, they do not engage in formal higher education.
  • It is not a vocational training center: Although they offer training, it is not their only or main activity.
  • Not a consulting firm: Although they can offer advice, their approach is broader and more technical.
  • It is not a business incubator: Although they support startups, their role is not to incubate them.
  • Not a commercial testing laboratory: They do not focus exclusively on commercial testing or certification.
  • It is not an exhibition center: Although they can organize events, they are not dedicated to commercial exhibition.
  • Not an IT services company: Although they can develop IT solutions, they are not traditional technology service providers.
  • Not a public entity: Although they receive public funding, they are private organizations.
  • It is not a social innovation center: Although they can generate social impacts, their main focus is technological innovation.

A technology center is an innovation engine that acts in synergy with industry to drive technological development, without being confused with other commercial, educational or service entities.

Discover the 9 technology centers of Castilla y León, and their wide range of disciplines, from sustainable development and digitization of the forestry sector to advanced electronics for Industry 4.0.

Technological centers of Castilla y León

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