Technological Centres in NODDO



The International Centre for Advanced Materials and Raw Materials of Castilla y León (ICAMCyL) is a non-profit foundation and competences centre, founded by the main industries of the region. ICAMCyL participates in the strategy of efficient management of industrial resources, energy efficiency, eco-innovation and substitution of critical materials in order to promote the development of advanced materials for the network of industries in the region and the valorisation of the raw materials wealth in Castilla y León, in line with its Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3). ICAMCyL is dedicated and committed to promoting the competitiveness of the region’s industries, through an Industrial Alliance of 20 SMEs and large companies that defines its own path towards industrial innovation.

Related technical disciplines

Sustainable and efficient energy

Environment and sustainability

Advanced materials

Automotive and new mobility

Production processes and Industry 4.0

Digital transformation

Related sectors




Mines and Quarries

Automotive and Mobility

Telecommunications, Information and Communication

Relates Success Stories

TARANTULA: sustainable recovery of critical metals

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