Agronomic experimentation

Agronomic experimentation
Agronomic experimentation
This line is not associated to any technological center
Continuous improvement, productivity and sustainability of agricultural production

Inside of our work at experimentation agronomy can be found at found at the search constant from improvement at at production agricultural, combining the experience at the field with the latest technologies. Los objectives are clear and comprehensive.

  • Optimization Optimization: We work to find the balance perfect at the nutritionboth mineral as well as organic, required to grow crops healthy and productive.
  • Analysis of Productivity: We evaluate quantitative y qualitatively the productivity at a variety from crops, from vegetables to energy, with the objective of maximize yields and quality.
  • Characterization Characterization: We study the fertility y health of on soils y crops, providing recommendations from subscriber that ensure a environment conducive for the growth.
  • Management Water Management: At at irrigation, we apply techniques of management from water management techniques, zoning of resources agroecological y we offer reports agrometeorological for a use more efficient from this vitalresource.
  • Innovation at Crops: Enter new options at at agriculture y livestock ecological, exploring varieties y techniques that respect theenvironment.
  • Control Sanitary: We determine the incidence of products phytosanitary products authorized y we carry a carry out evaluations y controls exhaustivepest and disease surveys .
  • Automation Sustainable: We implement systems automated at at tasks agrarian for a management efficient y sustainable of the techniques of cultivation techniques, optimizing resources y reducing impacts environmental.
  • Modeling y Remote Sensing: We develop models of crop models at systems agricultural y we apply technologies from remote sensing technologies for obtain data accurate y useful on fieldconditions.
  • Information Information Systems Geographic (GIS): We use GIS to map y understand better the relationship between agriculture and theenvironment.
  • We take advantage of the knowledge accumulated y the potential of the new technologies applied to agriculture to improve productivity and sustainability.

Agriculture is facing a crucial shift from chemical-intensive practices to more sustainable methods. This transition seeks to maintain competitiveness and quality in agricultural production while preserving the environment and natural resources.

Agronomic innovation becomes essential in this scenario. We need appropriate techniques that allow the evolution towards more efficient practices. sustainable, competitive and environmentally friendly. Technology plays a key role in this evolution, providing tools to improve the quality of our products and services. efficiency and cost control.

Agriculture 4.0 is envisioned as the future, where connectivity, smart sensors and data analytics enable accurate planning, waste reduction and improved traceability in the supply chain. We are at the forefront of this change, providing solutions that not only address today’s challenges, but also pave the way for a more sustainable and efficientagricultural future .


To offer these services based on these innovative techniques, we rely on state-of-the-art facilities, backed up by the knowledge and experience of our technical team. These facilities include:

  1. Forced Crops Unit in Climatic Chamber:We have a space dedicated to the development and multiplication of crops in climatic conditions.controlled. Here, we carry out in vitro cultures, simulating extreme conditions to strengthen and improve plants.
  2. Smart Photovoltaic Irrigation Unit:Our irrigation unit uses photovoltaic technology to study irrigation strategies adapted to the needs of our customers.edaphoclimatic variables. This optimizes water consumption and reduces the water footprint of crops.
  3. Specific Field Measurement Equipment:We use a variety of specific measurement equipment, such as NDVI and portable SPAD,fluorometry MULTIPLEX, stomatal conductivity meter, portable electronic scale and sub-meter GPS Tablet. In addition, we have systems for rhizosphericsampling , capacitive moisture probes, penetrometers and lysimeters.
  4. PLANET Satellite Tracking SystemsScope:We incorporate satellite tracking technologies to evaluate crop vigor at different phenological stages.
  5. Variable Rate Technologies (VRT):We experiment with variable combinations of fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, water and supplement application, adapting to the specific needs of each area.
  6. Performance Monitoring Equipment:We use advanced equipment to record information in real time, evaluating results of.crops in different sectors. Specialized software calculates crop yield and crop density.
  7. Remote Sensors:We have remote sensors for automatic, real-time capture of crucial data, such as crop, soil, moisture and rainfallinformation, integrating them with other data sets.
  8. Recommendation Systems Applied to Crops:We implement recommendation systems based on yield and yield maps.productivity, generated from data from previous harvests. This facilitates the management and continuous improvement of crops.

These facilities and technologies represent our commitment to excellence and innovation, providing our customers with advancedsolutions backed by the highest technical and scientific quality.