Machine vision and collaborative robotics solutions

Machine vision and collaborative robotics solutions
Machine vision and collaborative robotics solutions
This line is not associated to any technological center
Advanced technological solutions through machine vision and collaborative robotics

We are experts in the development of innovative industrial solutions that leverage cutting-edge technologies to solve challenges in different sectors through different applications. different sectors through different applications:

  • Artificial Vision with Multispectral Focusing: Industrial machine vision systems applying artificial intelligence technologies based on deep learning and Deep Learning. Utilizando diversos rangos espectrales, como infrarrojo (IR), visible (VIS), Ultravioleta (UV), terahertz (THz) and multispectral systems. For improving the quality of non-invasive inspection, defect detection, dimensional control and process control in industry, improving accuracy and efficiency at every stage.
  • Collaborative Robotics for Industrial Environments: We develop innovative technologies for integration in industry in areas such as sensor technology and perception. We develop new technologies for sensorization and interpretation of information. Empowering human-human interaction and action. robot, creating collaborative work environments and fostering robot cognition and learning capabilities.


Our solutions are tailored to the specific needs of the industry, addressing key issues with pioneering approaches.

  • Monitoring and Management of Production Processes: We implement monitoring systems that increase efficiency and quality in the production processes. production processes. From data acquisition to decision making, we optimize each phase to ensure the best possible performance. optimal.
  • Advanced Dimensional Control: We offer solutions for dimensional control, ensuring millimeter accuracy at each step of the industrial process. We reduce the margins of error and improve the quality of the final products.
  • Intelligent Dynamic Security: Our collaborative robotics redefines safety in industrial environments. We automate tasks complex production lines, enabling harmonious collaboration between operators and robots. Safety becomes dynamic and intelligent, adapting to each situation.


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