Software Engineering

Software Engineering
Software Engineering
This line is not associated to any technological center
Development of customized applications for the capture and use of process and product data.

The Software Engineering group at our center offers technological solutions to drive the digital transformation of companies. Our approach is based on the design and development of applications and management tools that enable the control and capture of data associated with the processes and products of organizations. These solutions facilitate decision making, data interpretation, action automation and the development of communication interfaces.
In addition, we promote the implementation of eco-design practices, traceability systems and guarantee an efficient management of resources and the minimization of environmental impacts.
Thanks to the experience of our Software Engineering group, after participating in various R+D+i projects, we have created a laboratory management platform, a waste management platform (QR) and our own IoT (Internet of Things) environment, which serves as a basis for future developments. We have also made progress in the generation of digital twins of industrial processes.


Our solutions address various issues related to the digital transformation of companies and the optimization of their processes, based on innovation, quality and personalized attention to the needs of our customers. Some of the issues we solve are:
1. Efficient data management: we provide tools and applications that allow companies to capture, manage and analyze data related to their processes and products. This facilitates decision making based on accurate and timely information.
2. Ecodiseño y sostenibilidad: ayudamos a las organizaciones a implementar prácticas de ecodiseño que reducen el impacto ambiental de sus productos y procesos. Además, promovemos la gestión sostenible de los recursos y la minimización de los residuos a través de soluciones tecnológicas.
3. Mejora de la comunicación y colaboración: desarrollamos interfaces de comunicación que mejoran la interacción entre los diferentes sistemas y actores dentro de una organización, facilitando la colaboración y el intercambio de información de manera eficiente.
4. Optimización de procesos: utilizamos tecnologías de vanguardia, como el Internet de las Cosas (IoT) y la inteligencia artificial, para optimizar los procesos productivos y mejorar la eficiencia operativa de las empresas.