
We apply technology and knowledge to all processes in the food sector, from agricultural and livestock production to the formulation of new foods and alternative sources. We focus on ensuring quality, traceability and sustainability at every step of the process.
Our community is a leader in the agri-food sector in Spain thanks to our high degree of specialisation and high growth rates. The talent, capabilities and specialisation of our technology centres allow us to provide solutions throughout the food chain, always committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly systems. We integrate innovation and development processes at the origin, both agricultural and livestock, of foodstuffs, from planting and harvesting in the field to production on farms, improving their performance and efficiency. The development of new products is one of the challenges of our commitment to food innovation. At NODDO we apply technology, science and creativity to explore alternative food sources with high nutritional value. Quality, traceability and sustainability are the fundamental pillars in the handling and industrial processes that we apply in all our services.