Agri-food, a key sector and competitive pillar of Castilla y León

At NODDO we apply knowledge and technology throughout the entire agri-food value chain, from agricultural production to the food industry. Innovating and digitizing processes for an efficient and sustainable food chain.

The agri-food sector is strategic for Castilla y León. With numerous synergies with other sectors (gastronomy, tourism, etc.) and a strong link with the rural world. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, it represents 7.3% of the country’s agri-food gross value added and generates 147,792 jobs throughout the region.

At NODDO we understand the agri-food sector as a fundamental pillar and one of our main technical disciplines. The transversality of the Network of Centers allows NODDO to support innovation along the entire chain, from the field to the industry and from the industry to the table, in an efficient and sustainable food chain.

We integrate innovation and development from the origin with sustainable and precision agriculture, to the development of new industrial processes, functional foods and alternative nutritional sources. Applying available technology for an efficient and sustainable food chain.

This knowledge and practical approach of our technology centers has allowed us to develop solutions such as:

  • Optimization of the NPK granular fertilizer manufacturing process.
  • Sulfur valorization as a high-yield fertilizer for Repsol.
  • The reduction of sugars in cookie dough (LESSugar) for glycemic index control.
  • Implementation of the BItal system for production, quality and maintenance control in Flor Burgalesa.

Digital applications in the food industry

As a sample, this coming January 26 the network will present a showroom of digital applications in the food industry. Showing examples of applied and tangible solutions for digital transformation of food industrial SMEs in the region. In the framework of the Centr@tec program supported by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León.


Follow us on our social networks to not miss any of the news of the network, we are on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Noticias relacionadas

El reciente Decreto 19/2024, publicado en el Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León, marca un hito importante para la Red de Centros Tecnológicos. Este nuevo marco regulador refuerza el compromiso con la innovación y la competitividad empresarial, consolidando el papel de los Centros Tecnológicos como actores clave en la transferencia de tecnología y conocimiento en la región.

Approval of Decree 19/2024: Creation and regulation of the Registry and Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León.

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New generation plant-based foods in the food industry

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