At NODDO we help you to innovate and digitalize your business with the support of the Centr@tec program.

The Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León is committed to the Centr@tec program to promote innovation and digitalization in production processes, products and services of companies in Castilla y León.

NODDO offers SMEs advanced innovation and digitalization services through our technology centers. Supported by the Centr@tec program of the Institute for Business Competitiveness (ICE), these services will not involve any cost for your business.

In order to improve the competitiveness of companies in Castilla y León, NODDO facilitates the transfer of technology through innovations and improvements in production processes and in the design of products and services, in industrial digitalization and in the commercialization of products and services, as well as in the incorporation of the necessary ICT technologies in the different areas of your business.

Thanks to the actions we carry out in the different areas, we identify and analyze the opportunities for innovation and digitalization of your company, helping you to prioritize the most interesting ones, proposing sources of funding to facilitate it and accompanying you in the implementation of the solutions you choose. We also help you to access international R&D&I programs, to increase international technology transfer and the participation of the business sector of Castilla y León in European R&D&I programs.

With the Centr@tec program that we carry out from NODDO, your company can drive improvements in digital transformation, 4.0 technologies and innovation and digitalization processes, thus improving both marketing and competitiveness.

Innovation in processes, products and services, digitalization and internationalization.

Can we help you boost your business?

Find out all the details about the Centr@tec program and discover how the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León can help you to innovate and digitize your business. You can contact us by filling out the form you will find in the following link.


If you want to know us in depth and discover the projects we are developing we invite you to follow us on our social networks, LinkedIn and Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter.

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