Approval of Decree 19/2024: Creation and regulation of the Registry and Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León.

The Regional Government of Castilla y León reinforces its commitment to innovation and business competitiveness with the approval of Decree 19/2024, which regulates the Registry and Network of Technology Centers in the region.

The Regional Government of Castilla y León reinforces its commitment to innovation and business competitiveness with the approval of Decree 19/2024, which regulates the Registry and Network of Technology Centers in the region.

Since the creation of the Network of Technology Centers, initially promoted in 1992 by Law 5/1992, and formalized in 2022 with the constitution of the NODDO association, theJunta de Castilla y León has worked tirelessly to strengthen a robust innovation ecosystem. The primary objective of this network is to support companies in their competitive improvement, facilitating the transfer of technology and knowledge in key productive sectors.

Decree 19/2024, published on September 30, 2024, regulates the Registry and the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, reaffirming the commitment of theJunta de Castilla y León and the ICECYL to promote innovation as a lever for economic and social development .

This milestone is key to consolidate the role of Technology Centers as drivers of technology and knowledge transfer to companies.

Driver of business competitiveness

Since their origin, the Technology Centers have been crucial agents for business competitiveness in the region. These centers allow companies to improve their production processes, acquire and develop new technologies, and benefit from the transfer of knowledge that allows them to adapt to the challenges of the global market.

The 1992 legislative framework and the strategic updates that have accompanied its evolution have allowed the network to continue to be a reference in the field of applied research, technological development, business innovation and product quality. With the new regulation established by Decree 19/2024, the Technology Centers are better positioned to continue to play a vital role in the dynamization of the regional economy.

A boost to innovation in Castilla y León

The Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León is fully integrated into the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) 2021-2027. One of the main objectives of this strategic plan of theJunta de Castilla y León is to improve and strengthen the research and innovation ecosystem in order to move towards a competitive specialization in key sectors.

In this context, the Technology Centers, together with other knowledge transfer agents, are key to foster an innovation market under the Castilla y León brand, and thus promote entrepreneurship based on innovation and sustainability.

Continuous commitment to innovation and collaboration

At NODDO, the association that brings together the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, we remain committed to our mission of consolidating a collaborative environment and technology transfer that boosts the competitiveness of companies in our region. Decree 19/2024 is one more step on that path, backed by more than 30 years of joint effort between the Technology Centers, theJunta de Castilla y León and ICECYL.

The strength of networking allows us to continue building a more competitive, sustainable and resilient future for Castilla y León, where innovation is the engine that drives economic and social growth.


From the Network of Technological Centers together with theTechnology Centers of Castilla y León, we promote, in an interdisciplinary and integrated manner, covering all sectors of the sectors and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact with NODDO.

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