Cidaut coordinates the H2ENRY Project to advance in decarbonization

Cidaut leads the H2ENRY Project, an alliance of five technology centers to promote renewable hydrogen.

Cidaut Foundation is the coordinator of the new Cervera project “H2ENRY” in which Aicia (Association for Research and Industrial Cooperation of Andalusia), EnergyLab (Technological Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability), ITE (Technological Institute of Energy) and the Technological Center Leitat participate.

Cidaut leads the H2ENRY Project, an alliance of five technology centers to promote renewable hydrogen.

Under the name “H2ENRY” this initiative aims to promote research and implementation of sustainable solutions for the production, storage and application of renewable hydrogen in order to facilitate the decarbonization of Spanish industry.

The collaboration of these technology centers represents a wide range of sectors and expertise in key areas related to renewable hydrogen.

Hydrogen has increasingly been highlighted as a clean and versatile energy source that can play a key role in the transition to a more sustainable energy future. To this end, it is crucial to address the technical and economic challenges associated with its production, storage and large-scale application. This is where the H2ENRY project seeks to make a difference.

The H2ENRY project will be carried out over the next 20 months, with a completion date of June 2025. The project is subsidized by CDTI and supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. “Cervera Centers of Excellence”.

It is expected that the results and progress achieved during this period will have a lasting impact on the promotion of renewable hydrogen solutions globally and achieve a cleaner planet by eliminating the carbon footprint.


For more information about the H2ENRY project and its activities, please visit H2ENRY.

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