NODDO presents its strategic plan in line with the Community’s R&D&I policies

NODDO, a reference network in innovation and technological development that associates the nine Technological Centers of Castilla y León, presents its strategic plan in line with the R&D&I policies of the Community.

NODDO, the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, together with representatives of all the Technology Centers that make up the Network, have held a working meeting with the Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, together with the Deputy Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Carlos Martín Tobalina, Augusto Cobos, General Director of the Institute for Business Competitiveness and the ICE team, to present the lines of the Strategic Plan, Carlos Martín Tobalina, Augusto Cobos, General Director of the Institute for Business Competitiveness and the ICE team, to present the lines of the Network’s Strategic Plan, which aims to adapt its actions in coordination with the R&D&I priorities of the Regional Government of Castilla y León.


The meeting also explained the significant budgetary effort made by the Regional Government. The Ministry of Economy and Finance, through the ICE, will allocate 28.3 million euros over the next three years to finance the network of Technology Centers, with a commitment to stable funding backed by regulations that support and guarantee the sustainability of this new model, distributed as follows:

-Nine million for scientific/technical excellence in proprietary research projects that strengthen the technology center’s expertise in areas of regional interest.

-Six million to intensify collaboration and transfer, through a public call for proposals to support joint R&D projects between companies and Technology Centers.

-Six million in basal funding, which allows the consolidation of the centers, improving the transfer of research results, knowledge and technological capabilities to the market of the Community according to the results achieved by the center and based on two criteria. The first is to value R&D and its alignment with the RIS 3 guidelines, and the second is the center’s capacity to attract international R&D projects and transfer knowledge to companies in Castilla y León.

-Four million in aid for Technology Centers to provide advanced technological services to companies and support their digitalization, in addition to contributing to improving the competitiveness of the productive fabric (Centratec program).

-Finally, 3.3 million euros will be added for infrastructure by the General Directorate of Economy and Competitiveness, charged to European Funds through the ERDF 21-27 Operational Program.

Register of Technology Centers

The Minister of Economy and Finance explained to the representatives of the Technology Centers -grouped around the NODDO association- the work being carried out in the administrative and legal procedures for the creation of a registry, which will provide a more efficient formula for technology transfer to the productive system of Castilla y León, through a stable financing system that consolidates the research structures and specializes them towards the priority areas defined in the RIS3.

The new regulatory framework will provide greater stability, sustainability and transparency to the financing system of the Technology Centers and will strengthen the muscle of regional technology transfer to the business sector.

NODDO’s strategic objectives

NODDO is constituted as a Knowledge Transfer Network grouping the nine Technology Centers of the Community in June 2021, with the aim of stimulating an innovation market with a Castilla y León brand and boosting R&D&I and the transfer of knowledge and technology to the productive sectors.

The nine Technology Centers of Castilla y León: AIR Institute, CARTIF, Cesefor, CETECE technology center, CIDAUT, CTME – Miranda de Ebro Technology Center Foundation, ICAMCyL, itagra and ITCL, represent a group of 700 researchers, 600 R&D projects per year, with more than 1,800 companies as clients and a service turnover of 45.6 million euros.

The Network offers support to companies in their R+D+i needs to improve their competitiveness, and providing technological solutions to the problems of companies and society. From executing technological projects to create and promote innovation and digitalization, to providing the necessary advice to find the right solutions to problems, or training teams to successfully face new technological challenges.

NODDO is a SOLUTION for the Junta de Castilla y León in the R&D&I strategy; a MESSAGE for the positioning of a more innovative and competitive region; and a NEXUS of the Technology Centers for their strengthening and service to companies and society The Network is the main driving and integrating agent in R&D&I in Castilla y León to promote the strategic areas of the region in terms of R&D&I, for a competitive and sustainable development of the companies in the region.

From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to look for innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact with NODDO.

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