Technology centers, the main strategic allies of innovation and business development

The 9 technology centers of Castilla y León, associated in NODDO, are essential to promote technology transfer and economic and business competitiveness.

Technology Centers are private non-profit entities, specialized in the transfer of knowledge from the technological environment to the productive system. They have infrastructures, equipment and highly specialized human resources.

In the Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, NODDO, we have the talent and capabilities of the 9 technology centers of Castilla y León AIR INSTITUTE, CARTIF, CESEFOR, CETECE, CIDAUT, CTME, ICAMCYL, ITAGRA and ITCL.

Each of the Technology Centers carries out projects focused on technological innovation, an essential factor for the competitiveness of our economy and our companies. In the last year, 589 technological development projects have been carried out.

Knowledge generation and transformation

The purpose of the Technology Centers is the generation of knowledge to improve the competitiveness of companies. They contribute, through improvement, management and specialized innovation, to the improvement of companies’ capabilities, to the generation and development of technology, and to its diffusion and transfer.

Technology Centers are the key entities for companies to develop R&D&I. They play a fundamental role for companies, since they represent an opportunity to access research, development and innovation resources on an individual basis. Thanks to all this, the transformation of knowledge into market value is accelerated, making the business ecosystem around us more competitive.

Applied research and technological development

The value of Technology Centers compared to other knowledge-generating agents lies in their orientation and presence in the market, and in the detection and knowledge of current and future technological demand. It is in the innovation and technological development applied in the company where the Centers reach their highest level. Thus, the NODDO Network Centers are true strategic allies that provide services for development, innovation, knowledge transfer and technological progress. They are true facilitators of investment in business R+D+i and dynamizers of public R+D+i policies.

The 9 Centers that make up the NODDO Network are entities specialized in R&D&I that cover a wide range of technical disciplines and sectors, where they provide various support services to companies in the field of innovation. Together with their proximity and market orientation, they are competitive and dynamic agents in the R&D&I system. Thus, companies have in the Technology Centers of Castilla y León a safe and quality partner in which to innovate.

Quality and talent in development and innovation

Thanks to high level research, talent and cooperation, the Technology Centers of Castilla y León have enough material to generate the necessary competitive advantages in the industry. The Centers currently have a staff of more than 750 people, of which more than 400 are dedicated to R&D&I and technology transfer.

The scientific and technological quality of its research projects is backed by its results in terms of business, with revenues of almost 50 million euros in the last year.

The importance of Technology Centers is vital to strengthen the development of new knowledge, technologies and capabilities to improve the competitiveness of companies.


From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact us at Noddo.

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