We are the reference network for innovation, research and technological development in Castilla y León.

NODDO, a private non-profit organization that brings together the 9 technology centers of Castilla y León.

The Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León, NODDO, was formed in 2021 as a private non-profit entity, and in which the 9 technology centers of Castilla y León AIR INSTITUTE, CARTIF, CESEFOR, CETECE, CIDAUT, CTME, ICAMCYL, ITAGRA and ITCL are associated.

NODDO was created as the main integrating agent of Castilla y León in R&D&I, to strengthen the technological capabilities of its member centers, based on the principles of collaboration, ethics and sustainability.

The Association’s ultimate goal is to promote the region’s strategic areas of R&D&I, in coordination with the Regional Government of Castile.

We support companies in their R&D&I needs to improve their competitiveness.

NODDO offers three lines of action to respond to the challenges of companies, through the cooperation and collaboration of our centers, thus increasing their social, environmental and economic value.

  • R&D&I projects. We execute technological projects to create and promote innovation and digitalization in the processes, products and services of companies.
  • Technology services. We provide the necessary advice to find the solutions and results for the business project.
  • Tailor-made training. We train the teams to successfully face the new technological challenges according to the needs of the companies at each moment and in each situation.

In the network of technology centers we encourage collaboration and seek new challenges, new companies that want to maximize their technological potential with the support of the largest team of professionals dedicated to innovation in Castilla y León.

We are the reference network in research and technological development in Castilla y León.

Through cooperation among its members, the ultimate function of the network of technology centers is to become a regional, national and European benchmark in R&D&I, creating a competitive and sustainable environment for companies in the region.

Currently, in the network of technology centers we have more than 580 technological development projects, more than 680 permanent employees, almost 50 million euros in revenue, as well as 60% of turnover to companies and 20% for high-level European R&D&I projects.

For all these reasons, NODDO is created as a common space to collaborate, and this collaborative work is essential to position all 9 centers and their capabilities.

From the Network of Technology Centers interdisciplinary work in an integrated manner, covering all technical disciplines. technical disciplines and finding innovative solutions in all parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact us at Noddo.

Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter or sign up for our Newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news on the Web.

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