Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning
This line is not associated to any technological center
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning, Knowledge Management, Multi-Agent Systems, Intelligent Agents, Case-Based Reasoning, Plan-Based Reasoning, Deliberative Reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Data Modeling, Data Mining, Knowledge Extraction, Decision Support Systems, Recommendation, Machine Learning, Machine Learning

Our center develops Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning systems applied to knowledge management. Our approach covers a wide range of technologies, such as Multi-Agent Systems, Intelligent Agents, Case-Based Reasoning Systems, Plan-Based Reasoning Systems, Deliberative Reasoning Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, among others.

These techniques and technologies are used together or individually to address different knowledge management challenges. Our goal is to model data, extract knowledge from heterogeneous databases and develop decision support and recommendation systems.


Our AI solutions have been applied in various knowledge management scenarios, with a particular focus on data modeling, knowledge extraction from heterogeneous databases, and decision support and recommendation systems.

Some of our most outstanding studies focus on knowledge management in hospital and healthcare environments, where we seek to control and support the decisions taken, such as in nursing homes. We have also worked on information discovery in heterogeneous databases for cancer patients, on medical diagnostic support and on the development of robots capable of detecting and reacting to human emotions. A concrete example would be the use of robots to assist elderly and dependent people.

We have also applied AI techniques in machine learning tasks, such as weather forecasting to optimize renewable energy production, object detection in images.

In short, in our center we apply AI and Deep Learning technologies to Knowledge Management. Our solutions cover various fields, from data modeling to knowledge extraction and decision making. With our projects, we aim to improve the efficiency and quality of processes in different fields, such as healthcare, renewable energy production and assistance to vulnerable people. Our team of AI experts is committed to delivering innovative and rigorous solutions to solve complex problems and bring value to our clients and society at large.


Demonstration of system or prototype in a real environment.

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