We face today’s challenges by designing innovative solutions.

Thanks to the Network of Technological Centers of Castilla y León, and its diversity of research lines, we develop diverse and innovative solutions, framed in different technical disciplines.

The world is in continuous evolution and is currently immersed in a profound change of transformation, affecting not only individuals but also companies. When there is change and evolution, there are also new challenges to be met.

These challenges make us evolve. They lead us to develop research to act as centers for the transmission, exchange and preservation of knowledge, where the importance of technology transfer and the promotion of innovation are added.

With all the aspects mentioned above, Noddo offers a wide range of technological solutions, in which we work within different technical disciplines, thus creating a wide range of problem-solving capabilities.

The different technical disciplines are categorized to group the areas of knowledge developed in the 9 technology centers.


We apply knowledge and technology in all processes of the agricultural and food sectors, under the criteria of quality, traceability and sustainability.

Agri-food plant

Sustainable and eficient energy

We support the energy transition towards more sustainable and efficient models, using the latest technologies in generation, transportation and efficient energy management.

Sustainable and efficient energy

Environment and sustainability

We facilitate sustainable development by helping to redesign processes and products, achieving social progress, environmental balance and economic growth.

Environment and sustainability

Advance materials

We combine knowledge of raw materials with the most advanced technologies in order to implement new properties and functionalities.


Chemistry and biotechnology

We use our knowledge of the composition and properties of matter to develop new ways of progress applied to various sectors.

Chemistry and biotechnology

New mobility

We work to develop innovative mobility systems that are sustainable, autonomous and safe.

New mobility electric charger

Natural and cultural heritage

We promote new resources to drive economic growth and ensure environmental and cultural sustainability.

Natural and cultural heritage

Production processes and Industry 4.0

We help solve innovation challenges, developing technological solutions for each of your production processes.

Production processes and industry 4.0

Health and quality of life

We develop digital technologies focusing our talent on improving people’s health and quality of life.

Health and quality of life

Digital transformation

We drive the change to a digital model, integrating technologies focused on improving business productivity.

Digitalization and digital transformation

With the values of adaptability and commitment that we promote at Noddo, we evolve with the demands of the market by creating social, economic and environmental value.

From the Network of Technology Centers we work in an interdisciplinary and integrated way, covering all technical disciplines. Because the problems cover different disciplines just as we find solutions to the different parts of the processes.

If you want us to help you to empower your company and to find innovative technological solutions for your processes, do not hesitate to contact us at Noddo.

Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news on the Web.

Noticias relacionadas

El reciente Decreto 19/2024, publicado en el Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León, marca un hito importante para la Red de Centros Tecnológicos. Este nuevo marco regulador refuerza el compromiso con la innovación y la competitividad empresarial, consolidando el papel de los Centros Tecnológicos como actores clave en la transferencia de tecnología y conocimiento en la región.

Approval of Decree 19/2024: Creation and regulation of the Registry and Network of Technology Centers of Castilla y León.

El proyecto 'Meating Plants' utiliza tecnologías pioneras como la extrusión y texturización para crear alimentos a base de proteínas vegetales autóctonas, impulsando la sostenibilidad y la innovación en el sector alimentario.

New generation plant-based foods in the food industry

Technological innovation at the service of a more sustainable mobility, during the mobility week.