In the Materials Development Area of our center, we specialize in the formulation of customized and sustainable plastic materials.
We work closely with our customers, from the very beginning of the eco-design process, to ensure that the materials developed meet the desired specifications and properties.
Our scientific team in the area of Plastic Materials has extensive experience in the development of polymeric materials that allows us to meet the demands of different industrial sectors.
Our main lines of work include the development of biodegradable and compostable materials, materials for the manufacture of 3D FFF printing filaments, production of plastic films, revaluation of plastic waste and the development of polymeric mixtures with specific properties.
In addition, we have accredited laboratories for the characterization of the properties of the materials we develop.
In our Materials Area, we have successfully addressed various issues related to the development and application of new materials, focusing on collaboration with our customers, the quality of our materials and attention to sustainability and resource efficiency.
Some of the solutions we offer are:
Sustainable materials: we work on the valorization of plastic waste and the use of renewable sources to obtain materials, thus contributing to the reduction of dependence on non-renewable resources and promoting sustainability.
Soluciones de envases biodegradables: desarrollamos nuevas formulaciones de plásticos avanzados a la carta para la fabricación de envases y embalajes biodegradables, como biobotellas, biobandejas y biopelículas, que ayudan a reducir el impacto ambiental de los residuos plásticos.
Impresión 3D y fabricación aditiva: creamos filamentos especiales para la fabricación aditiva mediante tecnología de deposición fundida (FDM), permitiendo la producción de piezas con propiedades específicas y adaptadas a las necesidades de cada aplicación.
Materiales ligeros y reforzados: desarrollamos materiales poliméricos que ofrecen características de ligereza y resistencia, ideales para su aplicación en una amplia gama de sectores industriales.